Lisa Ruggiero
My Story
Growing up in Barrie Ont. Canada, I’d listen to my dad play guitar, banjo, and sing various types of music; Beatles, America, or John Denver songs, or one’s he’d written himself.
We lived within walking distance of lake Simcoe, so as a teenager I’d go and sit, at the lake in a spot near the railroad tracks where I thought no one was listening to me, and sing out over the water, usually Stray Cats songs, which were my fav at the time.
I sang a little in choir, took a few singing lessons, but always stopped short of pursuing music, because of fear. It wasn’t until I was almost 30 that I took some guitar lessons at a local parks & rec class, and began to sing and play, alone in my room.
At age 27 I received a love for and understanding of who God is, and He began to encourage me to sing and play.
I was asked to play at a small home group, but I kept saying no I wasn’t ready. I started singing with the worship team, slowly pushing the fear out, and finally said yes to playing for the small group. Little by little my gift was growing.
My precious daughter Becca was learning bible verses, so to help her remember them, I would turn them into fun little songs for her. It’s because of her that I began writing scripture songs!
I began to play guitar with a friend who liked to write songs, we wrote some together, and I was hooked! As a creative person, dabbling in dance, poetry, and art as well, it felt good to put into song, what I was experiencing with God. It continued to bring me hope as I remembered who God is, how much He loves me and all He had done for me!
I had lived with so much fear and shame, using drugs and alcohol and all that goes with them, to hide from my insecurities. Now all that had changed, I began to walk in freedom as God’s love and peace took hold of me.
My mind was being renewed as I got to know God by reading the bible. He showed me truths that have brought wisdom, healing and freedom to my life.
My body and soul were being comforted and anxiety was leaving as I spent time in His presence, and as others He had put in my life, encouraged me.
It’s my joy to take those words in the bible, and the experiences I’ve had with Him and the people in my life, and all they have taught me, and put them into song! Melody and rhythm’s help our brains to learn, and to remember things, so it’s important for me to write songs that bring His words and truth’s to life, so that we are reminded in times of trial how good, loving and faithful God is to heal us and set us free!
It’s my hope that as we listen to these songs, God Himself will meet us, and we’ll gain the wisdom and insight, healing and freedom, we desire, and He desires for us to have!